1. Documents :
Sl.noName /Title of the Document(*)
I.Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Service Regulations
II.TNEB Employees Discipline & Appeal regulations
III.TNEB Employees conduct Regulations
IV.TNEB Leave Regulations
Traveling allowance Regulations
Standing Orders Manual for other than clerical workman
Standing Orders Manual for clerical workman
Office Manual
(*) Details in subsequent pages
2. As per the Electricity Act 2003, the TNERC has notified the following regulations and necessary amendments.
  • Conduct of Business Regulations dated 8.1.2004.
  • Appointment of Consultants Regulation dated 8.1.2004.
  • Fees and Fines Regulations dated 8.1.2004.
  • State Advisory Committee Regulations dated 8.1.2004.
  • Regulations for Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum and Electricity Ombudsman dated 8.1.2004.
  • Tamil Nadu Electricity Supply Code dated 1.9.2004.
  • Tamil Nadu Electricity Distribution Code dated 1.9.2004.
  • Tamil Nadu Distribution Standards of performance Regulations dated 1.9.2004 and its amendments.
  • Terms and Conditions for determination of Tariff dated 3.8.2005.
  • Intra-State Open Access Regulations dated 3.8.2005.
  • Lincensing Regulations dated 3.8.2005.
  • Tamil Nadu Electricity Grid Code dated 14.12.2005.
I.Name /Title of the document : TANGEDCO Service Regulations
Type of the document Regulations

Choose one of the types given below (Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual, Records, Others)

Brief Write-up on the Document
1. General conditions of service
2. Pay
3. Additions to pay
4. Dismissal, removal and suspension
5. Joining Time
6. Foreign Service
7. Invalidation from Service
8. Provisions relating to constitution, appointment, qualification, transfer etc.,
From where one can get a          Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                          TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                NPKRR Maaligai, 144 Anna Salai,
                                                               Chennai         - 600 002.
                                                               Telephone No : 28521118
                                                               Fax No :          28521118
                                                               Email :            ---
                                                               Others :           ---
Fee charged by the department              }   Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                }   purposes. Hence,
instructions, manual and records            }   fees not fixed.
(if any)

II. Name/Title of the document : TANGEDCO Employee's Discipline and AppealRegulations
Type of the document : Regulations.
Choose one of the types given below (Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual, Records, Others)

Brief Write-up on the Document
1. Penalties
2. Competent and Appellate disciplinary authorities
3. Disciplinary authority in certain cases
4. Procedure for imposing Penalties
5. Suspension
6. Disciplinary action in respect of employees of State/ Central Government or outside bodies.
7. Disciplinary action against Bd's employee at the disposal of Government, etc.
8. Disciplinary action against an employee lent to the Board.
9. Service of Notice
10.Record of enquiry
11.Suspension pending enquiry
12.Appeal : - Consideration - Submission - Contents - Withholding
13.Powers of an Appellate authority
14.Review of orders in disciplinary cases
From where one can get a              Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                              TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                    NPKRR Maaligai, 144 Anna Salai,
                                                                   Chennai - 600 002.
                                                                   Telephone No : 28521118
                                                                   Fax No :          28521118
                                                                   Email :            ---
                                                                   Others :           ---
Fee charged by the department              }   Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                }    purposes.
Hence,instructions, manual and records  }    fees not fixed.
(if any)

III. Name/Title of the document : TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations
Type of the document : Regulations.
Choose one of the types given below (Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual, Records, Others)

Brief Write-up on the Document
1. Prohibition of Child Labour
2. Prohibition of Sexual harassment of working women
3. Refusal to receive pay
4. Employees not to be employed on private business
5. Representations
6. Consulting a medical practioner for the purpose of obtaining leave
7. Purchase of resignation
8. Gifts
9. Dowry
10.Public demonstrations in honour of employees
12.Investments, Lending and Borrowing
13.Movable, immovable and valuable property
14.Private trade or employment
15.Insolvency and habitual indebtedness
16.Unauthorised communication of information
17.Connection with press
18.Criticism of Board
19.Evidence before Committee orany other authority
20.Taking part in Politics and Elections
21.Prohibition of consumption of liquor
22.Employment under or with near relatives in service and employment of near relatives in firms enjoying Board's patronage
23.Canvassing of non-official or other outside influence.
24.Broadcast talk - Television programme
25.Bigamous marriages
26.Application for posts in Board's service
28.Obtaining of No. Objection Certificate
31.Application of Industrial Employment Act 1946
From where one can get a          Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                          TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                NPKRR Maaligai,144 Anna Salai,
                                                               Chennai - 600 002.
                                                               Telephone No : 28521118
                                                               Fax No :          28521118
                                                               Email :             ---
                                                               Others :            ---
Fee charged by the department               }     Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                 }     purposes.
Hence,instructions, manual and records   }     fees not fixed.
(if any)

IV. Name/Title of the document : TNEB Leave Regulations
Type of the document : Regulations.
Choose one of the types given below (Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual, Records, Others)

Brief Write-up on the document
1.Name and commencement
3.Earning of leave
4.Counting of former service for leave
5.Kinds of leave
6.Claiming of leave
7.Authorities empowered to grant leave
8.Reckoning of leave
9.Prefixing and affixing of holidays to leave
10.Acceptance of employment while on leave Recall from leave
11.Recall from leave
12.Production of medical certificates
13.Return to duty before expiry of leave
14.Overstayal of leave
15.Earned leave
16.Unearned leave - Permanent employees

(1) Leave on private affairs
(2) Leave on Medical certificate

17.Unearned leave - leave on Medical certificate to non-permanent employees.
18.Extra-ordinary leave
19.Grant of leave to re-employed persons
20.Special disability leave
21.Maternity leave
22.Study leave
23.Ordinary casual leave
24.Casualleave admissible to persons proceeding for antirabic treatment.
25.Lapsing of leave at credit, refusal of leave, preparatory to retirement.
26.Leave Salary
27.Leave salary of re-employed person
28.Compensatory allowance - Admissibility during leave
29.Leave account
30.Procedure to be followed in making application for leave, etc., Maintenance of records of service
From where one can get a                    Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                                    TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                          NPKRR Maaligai,144 Anna Salai,
                                                                         Chennai - 600 002.
                                                                         Telephone No : 28521118
                                                                         Fax No          : 28521118
                                                                         Email            : ---
                                                                         Others           : ---
Fee charged by the department              }    Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                }    purposes.
Hence,instructions, manual and records  }    fees not fixed.
(if any)
V.Name/Title of the document : Travelling Allowance Regulations

Type of the document : Regulations.
Choose one of the types given below (Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual, Records, Others)
Brief Write-up on the document

1.Mileage Allowance
2.Journeys by railway
3.Journeys by Air
4.Daily Allowance
5.Special Rates for Special Localities
6.Actual expenses
7.Journeys by conveyance provided by the Board
8.Journeys on tour
9.Journeys of a newly appointed employee to join his first post
10.Journeys on transfer
11.Journeys for Medical purposes
12.Journeys to attend an Examination
13.Journeys when proceeding on or returning from leave
14.Journeys on retirement, dismissal or termination of employment
15.Journey to give evidence
16.Journey on a court of training
17.Journey for Special purposes
18.Traveling Allowance to the family of an employee who dies in service.
From where one can get a                 Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                                TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                      NPKRR Maaligai,144 Anna Salai,
                                                                     Chennai - 600 002.
                                                                     Telephone No : 28521118
                                                                     Fax No         : 28521118
                                                                     Email           : ---
                                                                     Others          : ---
Fee charged by the department                    }      Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                      }       purposes.
Hence,instructions, manual and records        } fees not fixed.
(if any)

VI.Name/Title of the document : Standing Orders Manual
Type of the document : Standing Orders in respect of Workmen other than those engaged in clerical work.
Choose one of the types given below (Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual, Records, Others)
Brief Write-up on the document

1.Classification of workmen
2.Period of probation
4.Service records
5.Identity cards and temporary permits
6.Notice of instructions regarding attendance, departure, etc.,
7.Publication of working time
8.Attendance rules
9.Entry and Exit
11.Publication of wage rates
12.Payment of wages
14.Shift working
16.Publication of holidays
18.Casual leave
19.Absence from Headquarters
20.Stoppage of work
21.Closure due to strike and resumption thereafter
22.Absence from work or refusal to work
24.Reporting of accidents
25.Change of address
28.Acts and omissions constituting misconduct
29.Punishment for misconduct
30.Procedure to be followed in disciplinary cases
32.Termination of employment for workmen
33.Retirement on superannuation
34.Record of age
35.Service certificate
36.Exhibition of standing order.
From where one can get a                           Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                                           TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                                 NPKRR Maaligai,144 Anna Salai,
                                                                                Chennai - 600 002.
                                                                                Telephone No : 28521118
                                                                                Fax No          : 28521118
                                                                                Email            : ---
                                                                                Others           : ---
Fee charged by the department               }  Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                 }   purposes.
Hence,instructions, manual and records   }   fees not fixed.
(if any)

VII.Name/Title of the document : Standing Orders Manual
Type of the document : Standing Orders for Workmen engaged in clerical Departments of TNEB.
Choose one of the types given below (Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual, Records, Others)

Brief Write-up on the document
1.Classification of workmen
4.Service Records
5.Identity cards and temporary permits
6.Publication of working hours
8.Payment of wages
11.Publication of holidays
13.Casual Leave
14.Absence from Headquarters
15.Change of address
18.Acts and omissions constituting misconduct
19.Punishment for misconduct
20.Procedure to be followed in disciplinary cases
22.Termination of employment for workmen
23.Record of age
24.Service certificate
25.Exhibition of standing orders
26.Retirment on superannuation
From where one can get a                            Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                                           TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                                 NPKRR Maaligai,144 Anna Salai,
                                                                                Chennai - 600 002.
                                                                                Telephone No : 28521118
                                                                                Fax No          : 28521118
                                                                                Email            : ---
                                                                                Others           : ---
Fee charged by the department                     }  Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                       }  purposes.
Hence,instructions, manual and records         }  fees not fixed.
(if any)

VIII.Name/Title of the document : TNEB OFFICE MANUAL
Type of Document : Manual

Brief Write-up on the document

1.Procedure on Receipt, Perusal and distribution of Tapals for action.

2.Registering of Papers (Tapals)
3.Referencing, Noting and Drafting (Procedure on file maintenance). Procedure on dealing of Confidential papers.
4.Procedure on dealing of Confidential papers
5.Forms and Rules of Correspondence
6.Fair copying, Examining and Despatching.
7.Checks on delays and arrears.
8.Maintenance of Records
9.Office Establishment - ServiceMatters.
10.Office Management
11.Office Hours, Leave etc.,
From where one can get a             Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                             TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                   NPKRR Maaligai,144 Anna Salai,
                                                                  Chennai - 600 002.
                                                                  Telephone No : 28521118
                                                                  Fax No          : 28521118
                                                                  Email            : ---
                                                                  Others           : ---
Fee charged by the department                }  Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                  }  purposes.
Hence,instructions, manual and records    }  fees not fixed.
(if any)

IX. Name/Title of the document : TNEB OFFICE MANUAL (Volume -II)-Appendix -I
Type of Document : Manual

Brief Write-up : Powers of Sanction to Officers.

From where one can get a                                          Address : The Secretary,
copy of rules, regulations,                                                          TANGEDCO,X Floor,
instructions, manual and records                                                NPKRR Maaligai,144 Anna Salai,
                                                                                               Chennai - 600 002.
                                                                                               Telephone No : 28521118
                                                                                               Fax No          :  28521118
                                                                                               Email            : ---
                                                                                               Others          : ---

All CE s and All SE s

Fee charged by the department                  }  Only for official
for a copy of rules, regulations                    }  purposes.
Hence,instructions, manual and records      }  fees not fixed.
(if any)
Save-energy1 Energy / Electricity Saved is Energy ProducedSave-energy2 Energy conservation, a key to sustainable developmentSave-energy3 Energy is in limited supply, Use it wiselySave-energy4 Turn off lights and equipments when not in useSave-energy5 Save energy for benefit of self and nation   Save-energy1 Install RCD to safeguard life from Electrical Accidents   Save-energy1 To make earth greener, switch over to electric vehicles   Save-energy1 Support innovative electric vehicle technology to protect our mother earth   Save-energy1 Electric vehicle does not make noise   Save-energy1 Go green with electric vehicles   Save-energy1 Shape the future with electric vehiclesSave-energy1 Save future generations by using electric vehiclesSave-energy1 Save Fuel, Save Money, Switch to electric vehicleSave-energy1 Make a Change with Electric vehicleSave-energy1 Electric vehicle: A Brighter FutureSave-energy1 Electric vehicle: No Fumes, No Noise, No Pollution