2.1 Objective/Purpose of the TANGEDCO

On 1st July 1957, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board came into being and has remained the energy provider and distributor all these years. During the period the Government have extended the electrical network to all the villages and towns throughout the state. After 53years of journey on 1st of November 2010 it has restructured itself into TNEB Ltd; Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation(TANGEDCO) Ltd; and Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation (TANTRANSCO) Ltd.

2.2 Mission/Vision Statement of the TANGEDCO

  • Mission
  • Vision

2.5 Main Activities /Functions
The functions of the TANGEDCO in general duty of promoting the coordinated development of Generation and Distribution of electricity within the state in most efficient and economical manner.
Inorder to discharge this duty effectively, the Board operates its own Thermal, Hydro, Gas and Wind Generating stations and maintains its distribution network. In order to meet the growth in demand the Board is also setting up new generating stations besides purchase of power from Central generating station, Windmills, Co-generation, Bio-mass, Captive Power Projects (CPP) and Independent Power Projects (IPP)It has full fledged Accounts & Audit Wing to ensure efficient Financial Management on commercial lines and for proper accounting of its financial transactions. As the demand for power increases at a rapid pace, due to industrialization, the Board also under-takes planning for meeting the future requirement by executing new schemes. It gets them approved from appropriate authority and executes them through its construction organizations.
The organization of the TANGEDCO below the level of Directors is divided into Technical, Accounts and Administrative Wings carved on functional lines. The Technical Departments are headed by Director Generation and Director Distribution. The Finance, Cost Control, Accounts and Audit Departments are headed by Director Finance. There is an Additional Director General of Police for Vigilance & Security .The Secretary and Chief Engineer/Personnel, head the Personnel and General Administration Wing and assists the TANGEDCO in transacting its business.

2.6. List of services provided by the public authority with a brief write-up on them.
A. Generation

To satisfy the energy needs of the state, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has a total installed capacity of 10237.41 which includes Central share and Independent Power Producers. Other than this, the state has installations in renewable energy sources like windmill, Bio Mass and Cogeneration up to 7303 MW. As of now, the total installed capacity in Tamil Nadu is 17540 MW. The power generated is transmitted and distributed to all the consumers within the state of Tamil Nadu at appropriate voltage levels.

B. Distribution

TANGEDCO has a consumer base of about 223.44 lakh consumers. 100% rural electrification has been achieved. Per Capita consumption of Tamil Nadu is 1040 units. To achieve the goal of electrification of all households, the Government has launched the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) scheme. Where grid connectivity is not feasible or not cost effective, Decentralised Distributed Generation is permitted.

C. Revenue
Revenue collection is another area of activity of the TANGEDCO. Revenue is collected as charge for the Energy consumed by the consumers. Revenue collection is based on tariff charge to different category of consumers. The TANGEDCO as a state generation and distribution utility and deemed licensee is dependent on the collection of revenue for its operation, maintenance & investigation for future growth.

D. Commercial
The commercial activity is to strengthen / supplement the revenue activity of TANGEDCO. The commercial activity is divided into Purchase of energy from Central Power Project and non conventional sources set up by private promoters, Energy Audit, Vigilance & MIS.

E. Rural Electrification
Rural electrification is one of the services provided by TANGEDCO. 100% Rural Electrification has been completed.

F. Household Electrification
With a view to achieve 100% household electrification, TANGEDCO with the assistance of Central Government is trying to achieve this target by the year 2007.

2.7 Expectation of the public authority from the public for enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency
The TANGEDCO expect the following from the public so as to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the power sector in the state.
1. Judicious use of Electric Power: This is necessary to ensure power availability to all consumers. This can be achieved by taking up energy conservation measures i.e. by installing energy efficient lamps, water-pump and all electrical appliances as specified by the respective Indian Standards.
2. Refrain from Illegal use & theft of Power: Theft of power is a crime and punishable as per IPC. The public are also requested to report cases of theft of material and misuse of electricity to the nearest PIOs or APIOs.
3. Public is also expected to cooperate with the Board while undertaking expansion and renovation schemes for improvement of power supply by means of providing space (land) and right of way.

2.8 Arrangements and methods made for seeking public participation/contribution.
1. TNERC has issued guidelines and also notification vide TNERC CGR&EO/ 6/1, dt.08.01.04 and gazetted vide Tamil Nadu GAZZETTE dt 18.02.2004 for establishment and functioning of consumer Grievances Redressal forum and Electricity Ombudsman. In TNEB one grievance forum for each circle covering all regions have already been established and made functional.
2. A Co-ordination Forum consisting of the following members
            1.Chairman TNERC as the Chairman as per E ACT 2003
            2.Members TNERC as members of the forum
            3.CMD/TANGEDCO as one of the forum member to represent power utilities engaged in generation and distribution.
            4.Chairman NLC as one of the Forum Member to represent generating companies has been constituted under sub-section (4) of section 166 of the Electricity Act 2003 – (Central Act 36 of 2003) and notified videG.O.MS.No.62, dt. 09.08.05. 

2.9 Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and public grievance resolution.
a) The grievances of the public relating to power supply is being looked after by the different Assistant Executive Engineers of the distribution wing of the respective area. The other grievances are being looked by the different Engineers at field and headquarter level.
b) Public seeking information and clarification on policy matters can contact Board’s Secretariat.
c) Any other information required by the public is being supplied by the CPRO office located at Head Quarters office at Chennai-2.
d) Public Information officers and Assistant Public Information officers will be notified by the Board for providing information to the public as per the RTI Act 2005.

2.10 Addresses of the main office and other offices at different levels.
Available in Chapter 8

2.11 Working office hours
Summer timing 10:30 Hours 17:15 Hours
Winter timing 10:30 Hours 17:15 Hours

2.12 Duty hours of Engineers for maintaining Power supply
24 Hours
Save-energy1 Energy / Electricity Saved is Energy ProducedSave-energy2 Energy conservation, a key to sustainable developmentSave-energy3 Energy is in limited supply, Use it wiselySave-energy4 Turn off lights and equipments when not in useSave-energy5 Save energy for benefit of self and nation   Save-energy1 Install RCD to safeguard life from Electrical Accidents   Save-energy1 To make earth greener, switch over to electric vehicles   Save-energy1 Support innovative electric vehicle technology to protect our mother earth   Save-energy1 Electric vehicle does not make noise   Save-energy1 Go green with electric vehicles   Save-energy1 Shape the future with electric vehiclesSave-energy1 Save future generations by using electric vehiclesSave-energy1 Save Fuel, Save Money, Switch to electric vehicleSave-energy1 Make a Change with Electric vehicleSave-energy1 Electric vehicle: A Brighter FutureSave-energy1 Electric vehicle: No Fumes, No Noise, No Pollution