- As per the directions of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras, Madurai Bench in W.P (MD) No.16564 of 2019 and others, the stakeholders are hereby requested to offer the objections/remarks for the 'status report format' within thirty days from the date of webhosting(9.10.2020).
- As per the notification of Government of India, TANGEDCO is required to issue E-invoice w.e.f. 1stOctober 2020. All GST registered HT & LT consumers/ suppliers are requested to verify their GST number in the HT & LT bills/Tax invoices. If GST number is incorrect/not available, consumers/suppliers are requested to approach TANGEDCO‘s related offices
- Suppliers of any Goods to TANGEDCO to whom TCS u/s 206C(1H) is applicable effective from 1st October 2020”may use TANGEDCO’S PAN AADCT4784E.(new)
- TCS @ 0.075% u/s.206C (1H) will be collected w.e.f. 01.10.2020 from applicable consumers with valid IT PAN. TCS @ 1% will be collected if PAN data is not available in TANGEDCO. consumers are requested to verify the PAN data with TANGEDCO’s related section offices.(NEW)
- Acceptance of Consumer Meters against the non- availability of TANGEDCO Meters- Details of retail outlet of the firm M/s.Larsen & Toubro Limited
- Comments/Suggestions are invited from the stakeholders in respect of the draft procedure to be adopted by TANGEDCO for repowering the old Wind Energy Generators in Tamil Nadu on or before 30.04.2019 to cences@tnebnet.org (new)
- Tamil Nadu Solar Energy Policy 2019
- Deduction of Tax at Source-Income Tax Deduction from salaries during Financial Year 2018-19 under section 192 of the Income Tax Act,1961
- ANGEDCO - Direct Recruitment – Certificate verification and Interview for the post of Technical Assistant/Electrical and Technical Assistant/ Mechanical – proposed to be held from 11.02.2019 to 15.02.2019 at Centre for University- Industry Collaboration, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai -600 032 –Candidates appearing for certificate verification and viva voce interview are requested to download their call letter and check list through their registered mail ID
- Results of the Departmental tests conducted during November 2018
- Based on the request of Stakeholders, the copy of the Miscellaneous Petition No.3 of 2019 for approving the repowering of WEG�s along with the revised micrositing norms approved by TANGEDCO vide (Per) TANGEDCO proceedings No. 469, dt;09.11.2018 is webhosted for offering comments/suggestions before 15.06.2019
- TNEB Achievements-(2016-2018)
- Willing agriculture applicants can contact the Executive Engineer/O&M concerned to avail FAST TRACK (TATKAL) SELF FINANCING SCHEME 18-19 as per the orders of Government of Tamil Nadu
- Income-Tax Deduction from salaries during the financial year 2017-18 under section 192 of the Income-tax act,1961
- GST – Implemented from 1st July 2017 – Action points for smooth transition